Froxen Blue by Willow Wood

Froxen Blue blurb

In a sci-fi setting not too dissimilar from Victorian England, groups of the oppressed working class have banded together under the name Froxen. It would seem their goal is not to overthrow state, but to live. Their goal is not to defeat all evil that arises, but to protect themselves and each other.

Nicknamed the Blue Boys, they have not failed yet, but new attachments to the group are threatening to tip their mismatched collaboration as the son of a prestigious inventor is entrusted to them for safe keeping.

But with broken Codes of Conduct and cyborg copies running around, who can you trust anymore?

So, it's a novel?

Froxen Blue is indeed a novel written by Willow Wood in the month of [NaNoWriMo] (November 2009). It has since been through many edits and is still in the editing stage; the fourth draft. Therefore the novel is not yet published, but the project to turn the third draft into an ametuer audio book in under way.